Recipe: Schemat: Gorgońska koszula

Wyposażenie z rajdu
Required Expansion Rise of the Angry Earth

Crafting recipe for Koszula gorgony

Trade Skill Armoring Lv. 250 Station Outfitting Station T2 Crafting Tax 150.00 Coin
Base Gear Score 590 Perk Craft Mods 1 Attribute Craft Mods Can't Use
Armoring XP 109,368 Territory Standing 98
Craft Amount
Crafted Item
Required Recipe (salvage)
30x Tkanina klasy 5 (rzadka) (PRIMARY) Click to view 1 extra materials
+20 min GS , +20 max GS
16x Skóry Click to view 10 extra materials
2x Metale Click to view 10 extra materials