Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Amulet hoplity Can be crafted Legendary V 725-725
Pierścień hoplity Can be crafted Legendary V 725-725
Kolczyk hoplity Can be crafted Legendary V 725-725
Koszula hoplity Can be crafted Legendary V 725-725
Maska hoplity Can be crafted Legendary V 725-725
Spodnie hoplity Can be crafted Legendary V 725-725
Buty hoplity Can be crafted Legendary V 725-725
Ochraniacze rąk hoplity Can be crafted Legendary V 725-725
Kirys hoplity Can be crafted Legendary V 725-725
Kapelusz hoplity Can be crafted Legendary V 725-725
Ochraniacze nóg hoplity Can be crafted Legendary V 725-725
Buty hoplity Can be crafted Legendary V 725-725
Rękawiczki hoplity Can be crafted Legendary V 725-725
Napierśnik hoplity Can be crafted Legendary V 725-725
Hełm hoplity Can be crafted Legendary V 725-725
Nagolenice hoplity Can be crafted Legendary V 725-725
Bigwanty hoplity Can be crafted Legendary V 725-725
Rękawice hoplity Can be crafted Legendary V 725-725
Amulet gorgony
Uncommon V 725-725
Pierścień gorgony
Uncommon V 725-725
Kolczyk gorgony
Uncommon V 725-725
Koszula gorgony
Uncommon V 725-725
Kły gorgony
Uncommon V 725-725
Nogawice gorgony
Uncommon V 725-725
Sandały gorgony
Uncommon V 725-725
Ochraniacze rąk gorgony
Uncommon V 725-725
Kirys gorgony
Uncommon V 725-725
Rogi gorgony
Uncommon V 725-725
Spodnie gorgony
Uncommon V 725-725
Buty gorgony
Uncommon V 725-725
Rękawiczki gorgony
Uncommon V 725-725
Napierśnik gorgony
Uncommon V 725-725
Poroże gorgony
Uncommon V 725-725
Nagolenice gorgony
Uncommon V 725-725
Bigwanty gorgony
Uncommon V 725-725
Rękawice gorgony
Uncommon V 725-725
Amulet gorgony Can be crafted
Uncommon V 725-725
Pierścień gorgony Can be crafted
Uncommon V 725-725
Kolczyk gorgony Can be crafted
Uncommon V 725-725
Koszula gorgony Can be crafted
Uncommon V 725-725
Kły gorgony Can be crafted
Uncommon V 725-725
Nogawice gorgony Can be crafted
Uncommon V 725-725
Sandały gorgony Can be crafted
Uncommon V 725-725
Ochraniacze rąk gorgony Can be crafted
Uncommon V 725-725
Kirys gorgony Can be crafted
Uncommon V 725-725
Rogi gorgony Can be crafted
Uncommon V 725-725
Spodnie gorgony Can be crafted
Uncommon V 725-725
Buty gorgony Can be crafted
Uncommon V 725-725
Rękawiczki gorgony Can be crafted
Uncommon V 725-725
Napierśnik gorgony Can be crafted
Uncommon V 725-725