Recipe: Wzór: Laska życia nocnego całunu

Święto nocnego całunu (wydarzenie)

Crafting recipe for Laska życia nocnego całunu mędrca

Trade Skill Arcana Lv. 205 Station Arcane Repository T2 Crafting Tax 4.49 Coin
Base Gear Score 565 Perk Craft Mods 1 Attribute Craft Mods Can't Use
Arcana XP 19,248 Territory Standing 72
Craft Amount
Crafted Item
8x Surowiec drzewny klasy 5 (PRIMARY) Click to view 4 extra materials
5x Metale Click to view 10 extra materials
6x Skóry Click to view 10 extra materials
4x Arkana życia Click to view 3 extra materials