How to Get More Void Ore – The Truth behind Yield Boost and Double Proc

Lets take a closer look at how Gathering Yield works and the Yield boost that the game doesn't tell you about.

After some additional testing, it seems that we can't reliably reproduce the double proc in some cases. The information regarding some values and stacking for some of the buffs mentioned in this article might not be 100% accurate.

Note: After the 16th December patch, Territory Standing Gather card will no longer provide yield. It will instead provide gather speed. This means that you can no longer achieve a 100% yield boost value, meaning you can no longer proc double drops. This means that everything in this article is not gonna help you so, unless you're curious about the details, you can probably stop here.

Gathering Ruda próżni from mining is a lengthy process, as some of you may already know. While I won't go into much details about the drop rates for it - as that requires an article on its own - I'm gonna tell you one thing: get more luck! A lot more. Ignoring the numbers shown on luck descriptions, the reality is that, as your luck goes up, your drop chance at the rare stuff increases exponentially. Now, lets get back to Yield and how to get double proc.

Yield Mechanic

Yield is a simple number that multiplies the amount of items you get, simple enough. For example, if you drop 8x Wścieklak, a 20% Yield Boost would make that become 9.6x which gets rounded down to 9x.

This is very important when it comes to resources that always drop in a 1x quantity, such as Ruda próżni, Lotkora, Bryłka kryształu and many others (you can see the quantity they drop in and the minimum luck you need, if any, by searching the item on our database and checking the loot tables). From a technical point of view, if you have at least 100% Yield Boost, any drop quantity of 1x will become 2x.

Yield Sources

Lets dig into how exactly you reach 100% Yield Boost now. The following list will contain all the possible sources for this:

  • 10% Yield Boost from having 250 Strength.

  • 15% Yield Boost from the Potężna premia do biegłości - this is the highest tier booster available.

  • 10% Yield Boost if your faction owns the Castle Windsward fort. This buff applies in all territories.

  • Up to 65% Yield Boost for putting 140 points into the Gathering Speed card for territory standing. Apparently the card doesn't only boost the Gather Speed, but also the Gathering Yield. This requires Standing Level 300 so, it's not a realistic value. A more realistic value would be 35% Yield Boost for 20 points in the Gathering Speed card, which requires you to pick it every time it shows until Standing Level 42. A full table of pick options can be seen in our Territory Standing Table.
    • The bonus for the first pick is 5%.
    • Each new pick will be 13.5% lower value than the previous one.
    • The absolute minimum value it can go down to is 0.25%.

  • 20% Yield Boost (per buff) from the Lifestyle Buff (Miner's Resolve, Hunter's Bounty, Farmer's Harvest or Lumberjack's Spirit).
    • These buffs also offer a hidden 500 luck boost, which would be equal to something like Większe szczęście górnika.
    • You must own a house in that Town in order to receive bonuses from Lifestyle Buffs and the house tax must be paid.
    • Owning multiple houses in the same Settlement won't multiply your buff.
    • The buff seems to be global and you can stack it from multiple territories. For example, having two Miner's Resolve buffs active wil give you a 40% Yield Boost.
  • 19% Yield Boost from the Pick Axe perk (at 600 Gear Score) Wydajność górnika. Note: just because the game says x%, it doesn't mean it's exactly that, since the game UI rounds the perk values shown. The database will usually show you raw values, so you can do your math accurately.
  • 10% Yield Boost from the faction control buff. According to the wording in game "+10% Gathering bonus in Mourningdale", this buff should only apply in the territory it comes from.
    • This boost is multiplicative. For example, if you have a 50% yield boost (150% total yield) without this buff, it will become 150% * 110% = 165%

Hopefully this will make your Sztaba próżni journey easier, given the extremely low chances for Ruda próżni to drop. I will probably follow up with an article that dives into the luck side of things, with some proper drop chance numbers.

Stay safe in Aeternum!

Edit 1 - November 4, 2021: The information in this article has been updated after some findings by user SkyLineOW, published in this post on Reddit.

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taizar [Edited]

I finally hit double mining procs for the first time. My set up is:

19% pickaxe (GS 600), 15% proficiency booster, 27% territory bonus, 10% STR bonus, 10% faction control bonus, and 20% miner's resolve

for a total of 101%. My faction does not control Fort Windsward. Note: Miners resolve, like all trade skill town projects, does NOT stack. I tested miners resolve having 3 x 20% buffs at the same time, but my yield was the same as one 20% buff. I have seen weird theories about who needs to control the town and which territory you need to be in, but I have gotten the 20% globally no matter who controls the territory my house is in.

Conclusion: I think the only edit the above article needs is that the max from miner's resolve is 20% (not 60%). However, I am unsure about the effects of Fort Windsward as I have not tested those.

Truffles [Edited]

EDITED: My previous theory below has been mostly disproven. Leaving it here for future use if need be.

Active Theory is that the Territory based bonuses (and possibly others) are multiplicative. CREDIT: Edermon

"I believe that the variance is in the 10% STR bonus not working as intended.

I have 40% from two Miner's Resolve, 16% from the Pickaxe, 10% from faction control, 31% from territory standing, AND 10% from the STR bonus. That is 107%.

I do not double proc anything until I include a 5% prof. potion. This is easy to check as any loadstone node will give 2 instead of 1 when at this point.

I have tried the same in Everfall, where I do not have faction control. A 5% Potion does not double proc, despite being above 100, but a 15% Potion will double proc.

The only variable that fits that breakpoint is a 10% bonus, yet my experience in Everfall implies that the faction bonus operates correctly.

Two possible outcomes based off what I have seen: Double Procs require 110% Yield OR the 10% STR bonus is not functioning correctly in this spread and only 100% yield is needed for a double proc."

Xyo Admin

@Sketchfest indeed, seems to be more to it (hence the warning at the top of the article). Some of the tests were able to reproduce it in some regions, but not in others, so it seems some of the buffs may have some restriction where they only apply to regions controlled by your faction. This needs more testing though, we haven't found something truly consistent yet.

Sketchfest [Edited]

Don't think i'm proccing double anything (gems/small quartz crystals) in my test so far.

I have two houses both with miners resolve active (40%)
580 gs pickaxe (18-19%)

Powerful proficiency boosters (15%)

Standing (28.4%)

250 Str (10%)

No WW fort or territory control bonuses, but I should still be over 100% yield. Both houses paid off. If miner's resolves stacks and is global I should be seeing double rare materials but so far only proccing +1.

Farming in windsward/monarch, both owned by opposing faction. House in windsward (opposing faction) and everfall (main faction) where both have miners resolve active.

greggy [Edited]

So I confirm.





(For me, it's been 2x each drop for 4x in a row.)


250 STR = 10

WW =10

Faction = 10

Pickaxe = 18

2x Miner's Lifestyle (both are my faction owned) = 40

Strong Prof = 10

Standing 42 = 35

Total = 133

Thanks for the post!

Amazing User

20% Yield Boost (per buff) Is there any requirement on the housing grade or where to get it  

I used the 19% yield elixir 250 strength bonus of tool V to get no noticeable effect 

I collect Orichalcum ore

I collect at Ebonscal Reach Hamlet And have a 5000G house in this town buff

Xyo Admin

@MarketingHarry luck is strictly related to drop chance, while yield is strictly related to drop quantity.


What is the difference between yield and "luck" which can be found on gear?

Xyo Admin

The information in this article has been updated after some findings by user SkyLineOW on Reddit (link to their post at the end of the article).



There's been a separate experiment on this and the point to guarantee seems more like 57%, 56% is still not enough to guarantee the additional yield. Tier V proficiency booster will push you over to this range. Enjoy

Xyo Admin [Edited]

@API could you drop by on our Discord (linked on homepage/footer)? Can take a closer look if you can give me more details.


I've tested this on the mote rocks since those are more common than void ore and also drop 1 item but can't seem to reproduce this. 20% lifestyle (I'm in the correct territory and own a house there, but it's owned by another faction) + 10% str + 5% weak prof booster + 19% (574) pickaxe should put me at 54% yield but always get 1 of the lodestone and also 1 of the rare drops such as sliver of niter. Does this only apply to certain items or is one of these percentages also not working as described which would put me under 50%?

Xyo Admin

@Noellitto haven't been keeping up with the competition on the veins there, but last time it was extremely hard to find spawned ones - so this is a way to somewhat bring other routes in line with that. There's also the faction control bonus that requires one more test run to confirm something (related to 2x proc outside SM) - will edit the post and this comment later today once that's done.

Noellitto [Edited]

@xyo so how will that help with the void ores then? when moste of them are farmed in SM? :) Like is there a way to start them in the zone there can not be clamied?

Xyo Admin

@Noellitto the Lifestyle Buff will only apply inside that specific territory so, you cannot stack them from multiple settlements.


So, lets say i have a house in Windward and Everfall and both have the mining bonus, does that mean i have 40% yield boost?


I always forget the 250 STR 10% Yield when calculating and was wondering why I'm not getting double drops. Didn't know the WIndsward buff is 5% only though, good info

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