Potężna premia do biegłości

Common Consumable Tier V

Zwiększa ilość surowców zbieranych za pomocą narzędzi o 15% na 30 min.

Removes Effects Categories: GatherBoost
Grants Effects
Potężna premia do biegłości Zwiększa ilość surowców zbieranych za pomocą narzędzi o 15% na 30 min. Effect ID: ProficiencyBoosterT5 Duration: 30m Categories: GatherBoost FoodUtility Max Stack: Doesn't stack 1 Modifiers
  • +0.15 MULTLogging — Increases the amount of resources gathered when Logging by 15%
  • +0.15 MULTMining — Increases the amount of resources gathered when Mining by 15%
  • +0.15 MULTSkinning — Increases the amount of resources gathered when Skinning by 15%
  • +0.15 MULTHarvesting — Increases the amount of resources gathered when Harvesting by 15%
Tier V 0.5 Weight Max Stack: 100 Requirement: Level 5 Crafted at Warsztat klasy 5
Can be crafted Can be crafted
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