Uczta przy ognisku (Urwiska Monarchy)

Main Story Suggested Level 2

Upoluj i oskóruj dzika, przygotuj lekkie racje przy ognisku Aelstroma i Urdy, a następnie porozmawiaj z Aelstromem.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards Prerequisites
Must complete the quest below
Podstawowe potrzeby (Urwiska Monarchy)
Completion needed for the quests below
Byli członkowie załogi (Urwiska Monarchy)
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jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

- Hunt down a Boar and make yourself a meal

Right next to the beach, in the shadow of the trees you can see Black Boars roaming around.

- Skin the Boar

After you defeated the Black Boar you can skin it by pressing E (make sure your Flint Skinning Knife is equiped).

- Cook a Light Ration at the Watcher's Campfire

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