Arenowy eliksir leczniczy

Rare @ui_itemtypedescription_consumable_survivalpotion Tier III

Przywraca 1500 + 10% zdrowia. Do użytku tylko na arenie 3 na 3.

Grants Effects
PvPArena_PotionHealT3 Effect ID: PvPArena_PotionHealT3 Categories: SurvivalPotion Max Stack: Doesn't stack 1 Modifiers
  • Restores 10% + 1,500 health
Tier III Cooldown: 25s SurvivalPotion
Arena Consumables

This item will be granted to you when you enter arena. The consumable tier depends on your level.

Level 20 - 39Tier III

Level 40 - 59Tier IV

Level 60+Tier V

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