Silna premia do biegłościZwiększa ilość surowców zbieranych za pomocą narzędzi o 10% na 20 min.Effect ID:ProficiencyBoosterT4Duration: 20mCategories:GatherBoostFoodUtilityMax Stack:
+0.1 MULTLogging — Increases the amount of resources gathered when Logging by 10%
+0.1 MULTMining — Increases the amount of resources gathered when Mining by 10%
+0.1 MULTSkinning — Increases the amount of resources gathered when Skinning by 10%
+0.1 MULTHarvesting — Increases the amount of resources gathered when Harvesting by 10%
TierIV0.5WeightMax Stack:100Requirement: Level5Crafted atWarsztat klasy 4