Nogawice Isabelli

Legendary Medium Legwear Tier V
Deprecated Variant
Nogawice Isabelli 625 GS New
Nogawice Isabelli 605 GS Old
Gear Score Variants
No Source

We can't find any source for this item (quests reward, drop, etc). It's highly probable this item is not obtainable right now.

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75 passes for gold and I just can't get these pants WTF!!!!!!
i have 1.2kk shard


The perk works. You can keep a light equip load with medium pants and 1 other piece of medium gear (feet, hands or head) as long as the chest and other 2 pieces are medium.

King Envy

does the shirking energy perk work or not? because it says in a light load but the piece itself is medium

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