We can't find any source for this item (quests reward, drop, etc). It's highly probable this item is not obtainable right now. It seems that the New Trzewiki skażonego gniewu is obtainable.
Been farming tangle for about 40 hours no boots drop luck, no luck, half luck, turkey leg, voodoo dolls nothing.... love it here
Got helm/gloves/x3boots from Brute (Myrkgard Devil), also have x1boots from some random mob at The Tangle, but much easier to get from Brute bcs it seems he tag like "boss", also must be same ez from commander at The Tangle, but i'm lazy to gather group. all dropped 590+.
Dropped from the Big Sword Guy in Myrkgard, after the last portal, the one after you jump from Vocus
Dropped from random mob in The Tangle near east gate myrk
dropped from myrkgard devil at Tangle