Worek odźwiernego z surowej skóry

Common Bag Tier II
This item might not be obtainable
Item Gear Score
Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725
+145.0 Encumbrance
Random Perk

Worek odźwiernego wykonany z surowej skóry. Znacząco zwiększa maksymalne obciążenie kosztem ruchliwości.

Bind On Equip Tier II 0.1 Weight Requirement: Level 5
Gives 1.5
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
No Source

We can't find any source for this item (quests reward, drop, etc). It's highly probable this item is not obtainable right now.

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Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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