Rękawice grawitacyjne Gilliego

Artifact Heavy Glove Tier V
Item Gear Score
340.6 Armor Rating - Elemental 340.6 Armor Rating - Physical

Te rękawice mogą zgromadzić ładunek kinetyczny, który można następnie wyzwolić i tym samym wyprowadzić druzgocący atak. Są zimne w dotyku, ale nagrzewają się podczas ładowania.

Bind On Pickup Tier V 4.7 Weight 750 Durability
Gives 3.00
when salvaged.
One Time Drop

You can only obtain this item once.

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JakeL Rare Pinned

This item drops from the Eternal Pools Trial at The Eternal Pool.


a jasper in your weapon is just a better version of this artifact XD

Fulan Doremi

its next attack

jeanONstreamTV Rare

This Artifact drops from Avarice. An angry earth brute enemie located in a PvE Arena Trial: The Eternal Pool.
You need a Protector's Tuning Orb to enter with your group.
You receive the drop directly in your inventory. The Artifact is NOT in the cache.

To unlock all the missing perks complete Artifact: Gilli's Gravity Gauntlets.

M Z [Edited]

works with any type of damage, even dots but honestly it is not worth it. 20% armor body or the tower shield is way better for most of the cases and you have usually capped empower by weapon tree&perks and by jewellery. If you look something which will bost your damage Magnetic Gauntlets in math give way more damage and trigger debuffs & conditional perks way more often. Anyway it may be good in some cases (for example when you vs weapons with many weakness debuffs like spear)

Андрей Смирнов

Do stacks apply for DoT effects too?

No more comments ^^
Name Level Family Requirements
Angry Earth

Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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