A full day at Crocs in Brimestone !!! Not even a purple one ! Sad
What gem should put on?
where does it drop?
look on nwdb
@Mitokshet where does it drop?
where does it drop?
@Amazing User priceless, it's THE best named spear, it's as good as it gets for both pvp and pve, only an attunement would make it better, so just buy it before people catch on that and they start selling it for 100ks+ of gold, I forgot how much I bought mine for, but whatever it was, it was a bargain compared to what it should cost.
price range for it?
An excellent spear when Bane is canceled will be the top one in PVE for all dungeons. Buy it before the price goes up!
got it from crocs in brimmy
Sick spear! A must have for PVE all dungeons.
nutty spear
got from sulfur event