5 min respawn, easy to solo, Tanner shirt dropped for me after 22 kills, no luck gear.
Update 11/14/2024: Respawn time is 5 minutes on the dot.
3:20 to finally get the great axe
4 Tanner shirts
4 Flails
3 Greatswords
1 Amulet
80 kills xD
Anyone farmed this guy recently? Been 2 hours, only got 2 x Tanner's Shirt and 1 x Axe with full luck gear + gems. Drops potion after potion.
10 kills now, 20 minutes in or so. Only dropped Potions and Crafting Mods
2 hours worth of drops: 2 Greateaxes, 4 Greatswords, 2 Tanner Shirts and 1 Ring
Ring drops below 500. I've have a 474 and 482.
like 30-40 mins drops:
amulet x3
greatsword x1
graetaxe x1
lucky set and gems, no trophies. i want the ring :c
Protector's charm first kill
Heelstrike 5th Kill
No luck on Great axe yet
full luck gear, bags, food, 3 medium boost trophies
Seems like you need to be careful where you kill Tazorjaw, because there's been a few times where I get no drop at all.
His drop is generally on his left side, between the front and back leg, so make sure when you kill him that he's on a mostly level area with enough clearance to spawn a bag on his left.
Dropei Greatsword 590 gs com 3 kills, usando set de sorte, 2min de respawn aproximadamente, e o anel 478 gs depois de umas 20x.
2.30 hours = Ring 482, amulet 590, Greatsword 590
O anel dropou gs 484 pra mim, mas o amuleto dropou 590 normal.
tanner shirt after tanner shirt
edit: dropped after another 10 kills, took me about 3hrs
Feel like killed this >50 times, but spent like 2 hours mb im wrong in numbers. Take all possible loot (2 rings that are useles, GS, amulet, GA and Tanner Shirt). Full luck gear + 2 weapons (10x2.8% and gems on 0.35%x8 and bags 3x2.8%). Its not good farm couse had many pots that was sad. Sry for my Eng, hope you understand... ))
Had the ring drop at 483 and 579, so there seems to be a possibility for a +590 drop.
Ring Consistently drops below 500
I was after the GA so I stopped there, but happy to get the amulet incase I ever need it.
Amulet: 2nd kill
Ring(468gs): 10th kill
Great Axe: 13th kill
38.75% luck from gear, jewelry, bags, & trophies.
Great Axe: 18th, 21st kills
Great Sword: 20th kill
Amulet: 40th kill
Ring (485GS): 32nd kill
Full luck gear (5 x 2.8% & 0.5% Pearls) / jewellery (3 x 2.8% & 0.5% Pearls) and 3 x minor loot luck trophies.
Ring dropped at 471gs. 600gs/expertise. Is the ring bugged??
Tried farming for the amulet, killed 50+ times.. Mostly Potions, and three tanner shirts. Reminds me of the bloodsucker great sword farm. Fast respawn but horrible drop rate. I'll edit this post if i ever get the amulet...
Edit: Finally got the amulet after probably like 200+ kills, i stopped counting. luck gear/weapons, only one bag with luck, no luck trophy's
This guy always gives me sword. 1st, 8th, 10th, 13th kill but no accessories yet so far.
2min respawn
Got Tanner Shirt after 9 Kills, no luck gear.