Polarny Bastion

Epic Round Shield Tier V
Attribution Winter Convergence 2022
Item Gear Score
63 Base Damage 7.0% Critical Hit Chance 1.30 Critical Damage Multiplier 54.0 Block Stamina Damage 54.0 Stagger Damage 35.7 Armor Rating - Elemental 35.7 Armor Rating - Physical 30% Block Stability

Zaklęty lód otula metalową tarczę niczym matka otulająca dziecko.

Bind On Pickup Tier V Scales With: STR 90%, DEX 65% 2.7 Weight 3000 Durability Requirement: Level 65
Can be crafted Can be crafted
Gives 12
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
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Name Rarity Tier Requirements
Common V
Tier V
Epic V
Tier V
500+ GS
Rare IV
Tier V
500+ GS
Legendary V
Tier V
675+ GS
Epic V
Tier V
500+ GS
Rare IV
Tier V
500+ GS
Legendary V
Tier V
675+ GS
Epic V
Tier V
500+ GS
Rare IV
Tier V
500+ GS
Legendary V
Tier V
675+ GS

Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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