11/02/2024 - Respawn time: 5 minutes
21 kills and no drop (21,25% luck on armor, no trophies)
killed it 37 times, no drop...
Edit: kill 61 finally got it - no luck or trophies
Respawn time is 2 minutes
First time killed got the weaver's hat. Full luck gear minus one slot.
Killed this thing about 40 times and nothing... Might be bugged!!
Farming mob Farley for Weaver's Hat.
4min Respawn Timer
22 kills - Weaver's Hat dropped
0% Luck Gear
Got the Weaver's Hat after about 10 kills. Farley rspawns after 3-5 minutes, and I can also confirm the drops of Burden of Despair of the Scholar, but didn't drop the Baroness bow.
You can pick some resources around the spot, while you wait for the monster to respawn, like Ironwood, tier 5 leather from de wolves, Wooden Handle and Lightning Beetle Wings (or air and soul mote).
got the weavers hat on my 2nd try lol
El dia de hoy 5/1/23 lo mate y me tomo 3 intentos para conseguir el sombrero del tejedor al parecer tuve mucha suerte.
Roughly 3 minutes to respawn and easy to solo. It took me 5 tries to get Weaver's Hat.
My headwear exp is 600 and I dropped epic medium headwear " Burden of Despair of the Scholar" . So I dont think legendary version is not possible to drop here. Also its very hard compare to what it can offer and its level. I mean not super hard but very big hp bar and some annoying cc.
1.3m health, drops T4 items lol. what are they thinking
Located at Skysong Crypt. You spawn him at the alter, just north of Ivan the Inevitable. https://ibb.co/7y0KPcR
Respawn Timer is 5 Minutes (12/6/24)