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jeanONstreamTV Rare

C o m p l e t e . . t h e . . f o l l o w i n g . . t o . . i m p r o v e . . E n d l e s s . . T h i r s t

Defeat 30 Feral Beast enemies in Elysian Wilds ¹
To unlock the Empty Socket.

¹ Feral Beast Enemies such as cats, (tiny) bugs, crocodiles, chameleon, monkeys, mammoths, rats, drakes, elks .... even rabbits.

Defeat 30 Ancient Guardian enemies in Elysian Wilds
To unlock Empowering Toast.

Defeat 30 Angry Earth enemies in
Elysian Wilds
To unlock Fortifying Toast.

Upgrade this item at the Gypsum Kiln ²
You need a Armor Matrix, 500 Dark Matter, 5 Gypsum Orbs and a Chromatic Seal.

² To see which perks can be applied, check out the "Perk Bucket" Tab in the Endless Thirst article.

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