Masz już części pradawnej laski strażników dusz, czas więc udać się do kuźni znajdującej się pod zniszczonym obeliskiem. Gdy już tam będziesz, rozpal na nowo ogień zakonu strażników dusz, tworząc nową azothową laskę.
Move up the first stairs south of the Shattered Obelisk. Do NOT turn left or right, keep moving forward and go down the stairs into the ritual chamber. Approach the altar at the end and create your Azoth Staff T1.
Do not worry, somehow it is not shown in your inventory at the Quest Items, not it is equipped yet.
Head back to Yonas Alazar, turn in the quest and equip it. You will find it now under the tool section of you inventory (TAB).
Yonas Alazar sends us to seek the ritual site beneath the belly of the Shattered Obelisk to create our Azoth Staff T1.
Move up the first stairs south of the Shattered Obelisk. Do NOT turn left or right, keep moving forward and go down the stairs into the ritual chamber. Approach the altar at the end and create your Azoth Staff T1.
Do not worry, somehow it is not shown in your inventory at the Quest Items, not it is equipped yet.
Head back to Yonas Alazar, turn in the quest and equip it. You will find it now under the tool section of you inventory (TAB).