I have np finding the guy or getting him to spawn but he refuses to drop anything when he dies. Body just disappears with no loot bag. Anyone else have this problem? I have tried dropping and resetting the quest and have the same issue.
when you investigate the bag, the guy spawns. you only have so much time before he de-spawns. you can investigate the bag multiple times, but it'll dissipear from the map and quest after you do it the first time.
Deathshield As written below, the location is correct.
I will add, after you use the quest item(investigate pack) on the ground, do not leave the NPS to appear nearby.
He is located just south of the north eastern most house. Kind of outside the fence of the area.
I can't find him either, where is he
Where is Airic? Anyone found him?
Same problem as blackhawk for me also. Not sure if this part matters but it says defeat the skinner instead of airic.