Step 1, Mourningdale - Castaway Shores (East Coast)
Find Captains McKeys' Shanty Book
On the opposite site of the captain is a big sunken ship at the shore. There is a blue light quest pillar, marking a pirate stash in front of the ship.
Step 2, Mourningdale - Smuggler's Cave (LVL 47)
Retrieve Captains Hurdy-Gurdy from the ghosts.
Step 1, Mourningdale - Castaway Shores (East Coast)
Find Captains McKeys' Shanty Book
On the opposite site of the captain is a big sunken ship at the shore. There is a blue light quest pillar, marking a pirate stash in front of the ship.
Step 2, Mourningdale - Smuggler's Cave (LVL 47)
Retrieve Captains Hurdy-Gurdy from the ghosts.