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Side Story

Margot odkryła roślinę o dziwnych właściwościach. Zbierz jej gałązki i pokaż je mieszkańcom Wiatrochronu, by sprawdzić ich reakcję.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
1,000 XP 58.75 Coin 1,000 Territory Standing
Must complete the quest below
Siła pieniądza
Completion needed for the quests below
Podstawy zoologii
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jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

Jump down the waterfall / cliff behind the quest NPC and obtain the 3 Wyrdwood Sprigs.

After doing so you will be sent do give one sprig to each of the following persons:
- Ahura (inside of Corinth)
- Priya (west of Corinth, next to the Golden Fields)
- Utkarsh (north of Corinth, next to Kannan Tomb)

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