Those looking for the exact location of Druid Acolyte Nessa, their position is 8563.667 , 2398.445
Like A. P. said, on the LEFT road from Perilbrook towards Primrose, about half way up
@A.P. You're a hero for posting this response.
If you are done and just need to talk to Nessa to complete it but you can't find her, its the 5th npc. That npc is in the road from Perilbrook towards primrose
Combination is outside the chamber in the raised platform where you picked up one of the ancient artifacts.
X P Y(Not Y, but that trident looking symbol)
Runes are below lit up in blue. Use that order for the runes you rotate.
Face the Ancient Guardians at Mirador to restore the Verdant Gemstone
Before heading towards Mirador pick up the side quest Towering Tools.
While you are inside the Mirador Shrine pick up the items.
To restore the power to the the Mirador Shrine you need to rotate the ancient glyphs until you got the following ones: X P Ψ
You can find the glyphs on the north west outside wall.
After you did so, you can do the second part of the Towering Tools Quest.
Investigate Fallswatch Overlook and collect Energized Sphere.
Head back and talk to Druid Acolyte Nessa.
Right after, talk to Grace O'Malley.