Edit / Add: Due to changes on Aeternum (the removal of First Light and addition of Elysian Wilds), those who did not obtain the last page in this Chapter can no longer do so. In my case, on my Fresh Start character, I waited too long to run the housing storyline and was blocked from completion once the Angry Earth walls went up around First Light.
Original post: All 5 pages are quest-locked under the Giacomo Altoviti housing story line. That is, these pages are not visible until the quest is advanced so don't worry about going to the markers ahead of time. Also, the map above currently shows 11 markers for 5 pages - perhaps this is due to characters initially spawning at different territories and ending up at the same destination.
Please note, the physical pages themselves disappear once the associated quest or entire quest line is completed. The copy remains in our [J] Journal. Not sure why; I don't know of any other quest locked pages which do this. Not a fan of this practice since I would like to pass by a page and say "oh yeah, I remember that" fondly.
Confirmed only on a Legacy (El Dorado server, launch character). Many thanks to aecyia for pointing me in the right direction on this as I have not yet obtained these pages on any of my Fresh Start alts.
So of course, I'm working on my Fresh Start character months later... and I can't get the last page for this chapter. Sad face. I have no idea what I did wrong.Well boys and girls, any character who did not complete the housing questline prior to the AE walling off of FL (and now replacement by EW) is not able to obtain the final page. This is regardless of whether your character was Legacy or Fresh Start, it was based off progression of quest which was available to both at the time.