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Just got my first one while waiting for Siege of Sulfur to start. No special luck equipped or at any house. Was about my 7th rabbit today. I was surprised because I usually am full luck gear equipped while trying to get one and don't know how many thousands I must have killed before giving up. Wasn't even farming it today, just killing time, weird how "luck" works in this game. 😀
12/14/2024------>>> 751 Rabbits Later, Rabbit Foot dropped. ---Not all the time, Item dropped, when this buff was on----> Global Gather luck plus+ 1% --------PVP bonus gather luck on by 3%--- Increased gather luck SONG buff by 5% on------500 green skinning trophy x1--- Increase skinning luck by 2500 Food buff. Found in Windsward, Location left side near the river. Skinning Luck gear 45.7%
I would like to know if there is a cool down on how many you can farm per week/per day because monday before weekly reset and then wedsnday after weekly reset i got 3 feet with in an hour and then after that nothing for hundred and hundred of rabbits. How can we confirm if there is a limit you can get per week/per day
380'th rabbit. Was running on full 650GS luck set, 700GS knife with luck, food, music, 3 major trophies and pvp flag.
Got one after 92 kills, 14.1% skinning luck.
11/10/2024 Item dropped after 100 rabbit kills. 45.7% skiing luck from gear and No skinning luck trophy equipped to house, going to equip it now. Item was skinned near 5 Bison spawn location near the river. 2nd Rabbit foot 82 rabbit kills 51.9 skinning luck and 500+ skinning luck green thropy. was farming for Rawhide. Yes, I was flagged for PVP for the BONUS LUCK. Yes, I had bonus gather luck by 5% with song for both Rabbit's Foot item drop.
Got it 2 times already fresh start server spent like 3h total farming. But to be honest not sure if luck set affects it I seem to get a lot more rabbit meat with it tho
10/24/24 I got the rabbit foot 7th rabbit at lvl 65 with 29% luck from mob/chest and Green skin trophy bonus, outside of Windsward. I got very lucky.
got this thing on rabbit 171, steel tools, only skinning shirt, minor skinning trophy, and skinning luck food. GL
3 foots on ~3k rabbits. drop chance is 0.01%. or it has cd on drop. 1k rabbits one day for first foot, 1k on next day for second, and 1k on next week for third.
Got 3rd foot with full 625 skinning set and trophies, but it feels like there is no difference.
killed 500+ rabbits on Rabbit Island in Restless Shore.
got 1 rabbit's foot on 70th rabbit and 0 on 430 after.
so... have no idea. really.
I have skinning knife 597 and 3 Major skinning trophies and no skinning set.
is it 0.02% drop chance? or its just 1 drop from 1 location, have noooo 🤬g idea.
Just casually on week one of fresh start servers, I farmed wood and various other things around Windsward, nothing special... Was able to get 2 rabbits' feet that way -- right outside the main town of the region. No skinning luck gear or trophies, just a steel skinning knife with maybe a little luck on it -- character was level 20 or so, never flagged for PVP accept within towns to turn in quests (hehe). Must have been less than 50 rabbits skinned in that time. I sold the feet shortly after getting each cause I needed the money...
Now with all the luck gear and a major trophy in my house, I get none of these anymore after some 500 rabbits skinned since getting those "buffing" items. I think the luck system is still broken a year after release. We should all go back to using none of these "buffing" items for skinning... Drop rates might improve. At this point, I think there may be a maximum skinning luck threshold for this item... which is utterly ridiculous and shouldn't exist in any video game ever. Better luck stats should always, always mean better drop rates... not worse for certain items. It's bad game design.
max skinning luck on 5 gear, amulet, knife. 3 minor trophies, +2000 food buff, +5% music buff, PvP flag ON.
131 rabbit, 17 sumptuous, ZERO RABBIT'S FOOT.
I don't know... I guess the game is bugged... as used to it...
It went from annoying to stupid.
Is there minimum level requirement for this to drop ??
освежевал 900 кроликов с лаком +50% и ни одной лапки ((
Skinned 1k+ with skinner gear+food - nothing. Skinned 150-200 rabbits on another servers without any luck gears - 3 of them :) Nice luck system
Skinned 500 rabbits with full skinning luck set 600GS skinning luck thropys and food. Got 4 of them.
thank you, I just know that
You need to skin the rabbit to loot it (rabbits don't drop bags)
You need a skinning luck