Zatopiony sprzęt wędkarski

Rare Resource Tier IV
Weight (lb): 28-30 Size (in): 40 Awards 200 XP for Fishing Skill

Skrzynia zawierająca zatopione dobra. Otwórz ją i powołaj się na odwieczną tradycję "znalezione nie kradzione"!

Bind On Pickup Tier IV 1.0 Weight Max Stack: 10000 Ingredient Type: Skrzynia ze skarbem
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Items with Lucky waters III and Fishing colossus III perks have been dropped from this chest for me, but I have never received legendary fishing rods yet


It looks like these will be fixed in the beta to be able to roll bis gear with the tier III perks


Does any gear comes with "(Lucky Waters III, Fishing Colossus III, Fishing Reach III)" perks ? Only saw "(Lucky Waters II, Fishing Colossus II, Fishing Reach II)".

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