easy solo 5 cons 300 dex 210 str with spear with skewer and hatchet. noobs be using tren rec gs zz
Can also be easily soloed with a 300 DEX 100 CON ranged bow build. Just have to closely watch the tells on the rush attacks.
11 luck pieces + 6 pearls, 2 Basic luck trophies & 1 major
Farmed for 3 days 8 hours each on and off with about 6-7 kills per hour if there was help or not. so about 150+ kills in total.
8 engineer shirts, 3 void guantlets, 3 hatchets, 1 hammer, 1 great sword & the final piece to drop was the poorly thought of ring...
Better than all that was the 300 brown pigment that was farmed after every third kill! :)
soloable gs +trencant recovery, heavy angry earth ward+strike resist gems
soloable with GS trenchant recovery and angry earth ward. Just make sure to back off when he stands on his two hind legs.
16 kills: 2 engineer shirts, 1 mirepaw's fist, and 1 doom's edge. Still no ring. :(
Soloable with Trenchant Recovery and angry earth wards in any configuration Even slicers and fire resistance.
Respawn is ~6mins, 2-3 man farm, Elite bear can spawn with Lazers so ggs if youre unlucky while trying to solo, have not gotten Mirepaw but can confirm I got a 593gs item. (patch 1.6.2)
Can't Drop at 600. I had several Mirepaw Fists around 520 ish. My Expertise is ofc 600.
Goodluck in Genesi or Lazaro.
Time wasted.
can drop 600 gc?
5:45 respawn timer
6 min respawn, difficult to solo but possible