He's a small alligator and he's at the bottom of the area, in case you spend 10 minutes trying to find him like I did lol
Post Expansion - Respawn timer: 6 minutes. Dropped JC Hood after 4 kills.
2 hours in got 2 engineer gloves 2 GS 2 rapiers and void gauntlet and artisans hood :( praying for you Mr.faceforest <3
confirm, 4 kills on JC hood
Can confirm all drops
Is the boss bugged ? I killed him like 8 itmes and only get Potions
first kill i drop jewelcraft hood , and im just hunting
First kill got the GS, second try got the Hood LOL
Can confirm JungleStrike dropped at 590GS within the 3rd kill.
Only mob in the game to drop Jewelcrafter hood and it's the biggest pain the 🤬 to farm.
Health is stupidly low, if there is more then 2 people farming Putris, good luck getting a hit in before it dies.
I looted Putrefaction 590 gear score great sword from putris and also the artisan jewelcrafter's hood.
I farmed it last couple days and have gotten Rotten Limb (3 times) , JungleStrike (1 time), Putrid Fishbone (2 time). All 590 Gear Score drops.
PT-BR. Não subam. O mob está no caminho por terra mesmo. Putris é o crocodilozinho que fica ao lado do . Quem tiver GS 600+ é fácil farm. respawn são de 6 minutos e tu pode ficar em cima das pedras matando outros mobs que seguem pela estrada e aguardar seu respawn.
I farmed it for a few days , got the void gauntlet at 593 GS but then I dropped it three more time at GS 500-510. I got the spear at GS 501 once and finally the rapier at GS 593. I got the tradeskill set piece from him and the alchemist several time during this farm.
I think the best method to efficiently farm this and not blow your brain, is to play arena. Just go there with luck stuff, PvP on for extra luck and kill them. Then tag for arena, the battle last more or less the respawn time. Kill them again and repeat.
Good luck to anyone trying to get those loot, don't give up its possible.
Respawn time is 6 minutes, can basically solo while afk, drop rate is HORRENDOUS; I wish everyone that tries to farm this mob the best of luck.
Edit: Can fish in Deep water on the River, west of Putris, farm still 🤬ing sucks.
anyone get any legendary ? i just get the items but no one legend
Don't think he drops the listed gear. I killed him about 40x with 38.9 luck (including PvP). Never even got a piece of gear. Just infused potions, a vial of suspended azoth, and some craft mods.
Then how are you supposed top get the 600gs Rotten Limb then, unless its dropping somepleace else and we havent found it.
Putris is located in Mosswater Bourg, small village that you go throught to get to [Reekwater] Settlement
it's at the side of the road, red small alligator.
5 min respawn rate.
Because it a level 60 creature items don't drop above 510 GS (or it's very rare, it will ignore your Watermark).
Coords [10357 .417, 3360.125, 107.564]
Location: https://i.imgur.com/sw34IbF.png
Mob: https://i.imgur.com/l19SwnY.png
Where’s Putris located?
Wondering the drop rate for Rotten Limb
He is a little bitty croc by the side of the rode with a 2 legged friend. Very easy to miss if you think you are looking for a normal sized croc. :)
Sometimes a bug makes him invisible, you can only see the slime trail. If you think he hasn't respawned in a while, hit the air next to the tent where he stands.